Det er første gang jeg har prøvet med en Giveaway.
Med 10 lodder i min filtede taske ...
... trak jeg et lod op ...
som har denne blog
6 engle bliver sendt afsted i morgen.
[ Tomorrow I'll send the 6 angels to you, please send me your address ]
Tak til jer som deltog i denne giveaway :o)
Og Velkommen til nye læsere :o)
God aften til jer derude.
Tillykke til vinderen. Dem bliver du glad for.
SvarSletCongratulations to the winner. Those you will be fond of.
Hi there ... I'm so HAPPY ... I cannot believe I have never won a giveaway.... This is wonderful ... I have sent you my address on your email. Not sure if you received. I have also sent information on email about the bird ornaments... Not sure if you received...
SvarSletThanks so very much for your kindness and for this wonderful giveaway!
SvarSletHi again,
If anything goes wrong, then I'll use another mail address you can write to. As you maybe know ... I haven't recived your email. But in a few days time, everything might be ok. As soon as I recive your email with your address, I'll send the angels :o)